Good Examples of Goal Setting

If you are reading anything by Brian Tracy, you’ll learn that having goals is a bit part of being successful. The fact is that goal setting actually does work. Goals give you a target to aim for in life, a reason for being. They can help you to focus, and to concentrate your time and effort. One important reason that goal setters achieve get what they want is because they are focused on one thing at a time and are willing to work hard towards it.

Most people want to start setting goals for themselves, but are just not sure how to go about it and how to do it. Well, to help you get started, you should learn about some good examples of goal setting. First and foremost you need to know that when you are just getting started with goal setting, you want to ensure more than anything that you start off small.

Although you certainly want to reach for the sky, you want to start off with goals that are realistic, so that you can actually achieve them, and then feel great about yourself and start trying to achieve higher goals.

Examples of Goal Setting

When you want to start goal setting, the best thing that you can do is look at some examples of goal setting. One great example of goal setting would be if you were a smoker and you decided to quit in a month. This is something that you can definitely work towards and that you can achieve if you really want to.

If you have a partner and they smoke as well, you can work with them and both quit at the same time. This way you will be able to support each other and really have someone there to back you up and make sure that you are sticking to your goal.

Another of the best examples of goal setting would be if you wanted to buy a house, but did not think that this was an achievable goal. Just set it for a year or so from the date, and then make sure that you are saving money and taking the other important steps towards ensuring that you will have the money and be ready to go through and actually buy your first home.

Remember, you can listen to all the examples of goal setting that you want, but it may not apply to your life. You need to make sure that you know what you want to do in your life before you die, the different goals that you would like to achieve, and then work towards them.

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