An Example of a Goal Setting Form

If you are following a program such as the Success Mastery Academy by Brian Tracy, chances are that you will be very inspired to set some great goals for yourself.

If you plan to set goals, you would probably like to see an example of a goal setting form. While there are probably many examples in books and on the Internet, you don’t really need to find someone else’s form to look at – you can make your own.

Elements On Your Form

Think about the elements that should be in your example of a goal setting form. You need a place to write the goals, but unless you are just going to make a basic list, you probably want more on your form than that. Maybe you want to identify your values first, so that your long-term and short-term goals tie in with your values. If that’s what you’re doing, you’ll want your example of a goal setting form to have with places to write your values. Next to your values, you’ll want space for those long and short range goals, which relate to the values they are next to. Then you will want space next to the goals to put the activities that will help you achieve that particular short or long range goal.

If, on the other hand, you are writing your goals using the “SMART” method, you may want a listing of the SMART acronym on the example of a goal setting form you use. It would spell out that all goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Seeing those when you write your goals can help you create goals that have a greater likelihood of being achieved.

If you are organizing your goals based on categories of life, like “physical,” “spiritual,” “intellectual,” and “financial,” then you probably want those categories heading the sections with the pertinent goals beneath them. Many people organize their goals this way. Whichever way you elect to organize your example of a goal setting form, the most important thing is that it works for you.

Where To Create It?

Most people would make their example of a goal setting form on a piece of scratch paper to begin with, but don’t discount the value of using a computer. A spreadsheet program can create a table, which can work really well for keeping your goals organized. When putting your form on the computer, you have the option of either using it solely on the computer, filling in the information on the computer and only referring to it there, or just creating the example of the goal setting form on the computer, then printing it out to use wherever you’d like to work on creating your goals.

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