Gather Your Tools for Success

Here we talk about having the tools that you need to succeed at your fingertips.
This part of the goal setting and planning process will be so much easier for you if you take the time to equip yourself with the items you need to assure success.

In terms of the actual goal setting process, it may include things such as paper or electronic planners and calendars. If weight loss is your main focus, you would want to be sure to have your scale, calorie counting book and exercise gear. You get the picture! 😉

Next: Your Big Plan

Choosing One Big Thing to Focus On

I’m not at all suggesting here that it may not be beneficial to focus on goals in different areas of our lives.

I am saying that in my own experience, it really does help to have one major area of your life that you feel would have the greatest impact on all other areas if priorities were made here.

I encourage you to spend some time gaining clarity of where your focus needs to be. We’re gonna get there!

Next: Gather Your Tools for Success

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